Saturday, January 21, 2012

What I learned from 2 days without power... :)

10. I would take 5 days without power with no kids over 2 with kids. I have experienced both and it was WAY more bearable without two small children.
9. For some reason (totally within me) I feel guilty and bad when I am really in need of help.
8. Claire, Blake and I CAN sleep on an air mattress together pretty successfully-if you count Claire actually sleeping on the floor all night:).
7. Although being a single parent during storms is not ideal it is bearable with the help of friends....I just have to work on not feeling bad for needing the help (see number 9). :)
6. I didn't think about buying a home with a gas water heater or stove....but now I am sooo thankful that we did. At least we have warm water and can cook in the midst of the darkness and cold.
5. Almost 2 year olds will not keep any amount of covers, hats or gloves on NO MATTER what temp it is...
4. I am soo grateful for battery operated electronics to help keep Blake busy and under covers during rest times.
3. Someday a girl will be sleeping soundly and will get kicked in the face by her husband...Blake (that kid is a sound yet CRAZY sleeper).
2. My kids, although they love a routine, are really good kids I am proud of their ability to be flexible in the midst of chaos.
1. Our kids love there Daddy (and soo do I)....after nap number 2 in the cold we left for dinner and a night with friends...Blake was crying as he left "I will be cold if I can just stay with Dad."

Whew I hope ours stays on and I am praying for the safety of the guys working and those still without!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

22nd-25th....a little late :)

How did advent end for us? Well with Christmas:) The 22nd we drove over to East Wenatchee to spend some time with Justin's family-celebrated 3 December birthdays and watched the cousins have a ball with each other. The morning of the 23rd the kids opened presents of which Claire LOVED a little purse she got and Blake upon opening some underwear exclaimed "Cars underwear?!?!? It is JUST what I wanted!!!!" On the afternoon of the 24th we drove back home-ever since adding Claire to our lives we have been doing Christmas morning at our home:) Probably my favorite memory this year is Blake sitting on my lap during Christmas Eve service and belting out every word of the Christmas Carols-through yawns and often when it was quiet:)-I loved it! And pray that his love of music and growing love of Jesus create a man who fully worships!

Christmas morning was quiet just the 4 of us... that was great...Claire made herself at home in her camp chair she got with her new Elmo doll and multiple suckers and was quiet happy. Blake loved his little speakers with his music and had fun talking about who's Birthday it was. :)

We ended our celelbration at my parents home for a couple of days-where it was sooo nice to spend time relaxing and enjoying each other-it was a bit of a whirlwind of a fall so I know we all were thankful for the time to rest.