Friday, November 30, 2012

Advent 2011 Activities and Verses

Date Activity Verse
1-Dec Make a paper chain to countdown  Isaiah 9:2-7
2-Dec Decorate the tree Isaiah 9:2-7
3-Dec take a train ride Luke 1:5-25
4-Dec cut out paper snoflakes and tape to windows Luke 1:26-38
5-Dec put gel stickers on windows Luke 1:26-38
6-Dec make an ornament Luke 1: 39-45
7-Dec Read 7 christmas stories/books Luke 1:46-56
8-Dec bake cookies! (cranberry blondies) Luke 1:57-80
9-Dec make reindeer and angel art Matthew 1:18-25
10-Dec celebrate Blake! Matthew 1:18-25
11-Dec play outside in the cold Matthew 1:18-25
12-Dec build a fort in the den with pillows and blankets Luke 2: 1-7
13-Dec buy a present for a kid in need Luke 2: 1-7
14-Dec bake cookies! (popcorn balls) Luke 2: 1-7
15-Dec make an ornament Luke 2: 1-7
16-Dec family movie night Luke 2: 1-7
17-Dec ice skating Luke 2: 8-20
18-Dec make a Christmas sticker page Luke 2: 8-20
19-Dec stay up late and go look at lights Luke 2: 8-20
20-Dec make Christmas cards for family Luke 2: 21-40
21-Dec make sparkly juice for dinner (sparkling water and juice) Matthew 2:1-12
22-Dec bake cookies! Matthew 2:1-12
23-Dec family movie night Matthew 2:1-12
24-Dec sing songs at church tonight Philipians 2:6-8
25-Dec Christmas!

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