Wednesday, February 8, 2012

And the work continues....

Honesty....that is what this post is about....

Some days in the midst of my life I realize how much work is still to be done in me. Especially in the area of truly LOVING how my God created me... I came out of my teens and twenties, thankfully, without the scars that an eating disorder can leave...but I certainly did not escape the message of the world to young women without distrust and shame creeping in.

Now on most days I have a handle on it (and when I say I I really mean "we" as in me and Jesus), especially since having a girl, I strive to focus less on that for myself and her...

Then there are some days in the midst of not finding anything to wear (which is ridiculous as I have a full closet)....not loving what the mirror speaks back to me that I realize I am not fully done with this war...there is more for me to surrender to Jesus...

Especially when the truth of the day is that...I have a husband who adores me and 2 kids who could CARE LESS... and most importantly a GOD who DESIGNED how He wanted me to look...this is when it hits me...that this battle makes NO sense...

That unless this gets worked out fully by God in me...there it sits...because in all logical arguments I shouldn't struggle with this anymore...but I do...confirming that nothing can reverse the lies that this world told me other than Jesus...

As I put these thoughts down this little thought comes to my mind... "Comparison is an unfair way to look at the world, because we were never meant to be the person which we are comparing ourselves to...we were meant to be our self..."


  1. Well said Natalie. I couldn't agree with you more.

  2. I really struggle with this too...thanks for sharing Natalie :) Encouraging words of truth!
