Saturday, January 21, 2012

What I learned from 2 days without power... :)

10. I would take 5 days without power with no kids over 2 with kids. I have experienced both and it was WAY more bearable without two small children.
9. For some reason (totally within me) I feel guilty and bad when I am really in need of help.
8. Claire, Blake and I CAN sleep on an air mattress together pretty successfully-if you count Claire actually sleeping on the floor all night:).
7. Although being a single parent during storms is not ideal it is bearable with the help of friends....I just have to work on not feeling bad for needing the help (see number 9). :)
6. I didn't think about buying a home with a gas water heater or stove....but now I am sooo thankful that we did. At least we have warm water and can cook in the midst of the darkness and cold.
5. Almost 2 year olds will not keep any amount of covers, hats or gloves on NO MATTER what temp it is...
4. I am soo grateful for battery operated electronics to help keep Blake busy and under covers during rest times.
3. Someday a girl will be sleeping soundly and will get kicked in the face by her husband...Blake (that kid is a sound yet CRAZY sleeper).
2. My kids, although they love a routine, are really good kids I am proud of their ability to be flexible in the midst of chaos.
1. Our kids love there Daddy (and soo do I)....after nap number 2 in the cold we left for dinner and a night with friends...Blake was crying as he left "I will be cold if I can just stay with Dad."

Whew I hope ours stays on and I am praying for the safety of the guys working and those still without!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post - and I'm totally with you on Item No. 9... ;-)
